Friday, July 17, 2009

Life Changing Travel Experiences

Have you ever thought about doing any of these projects and just didn’t know how? How would you like to take a Life Changing Travel Experience and:

Work with lions in South Africa
Sea Turtle Conservation in Costa Rica
Animal wildlife rescue in Ecuador
A Malaysian Orangutan experience
Gorillas and community work in East Africa

Building homes for the underprivileged in Costa Rica, Honduras, Kenya, Vietnam and more
Reconstructing schools in Nepal
Conservation work in Australia’s Outback
Community work in India, Costa Rica, Thailand, Sri Lanka and more
Community theater work in Jaipur
Volunteer with Carnival preparation in Rio
Work with children at the foot of Kilimanjaro
Conservation work on the Galapagos Islands
Care for orphans in Cambodia

Teaching English as a Foreign Language in
China, Indonesia, Japan, Costa Rica, Ecuador and many other places!

Since the memorable Flight of Friendship, the outreach trips to Thailand in the weeks following the 2004 tsunami and to New Orleans to help with post-Katrina reconstruction, Azumano Travel has been constantly asked to bring more of these kinds of programs to our customers, both for groups and individuals seeking more meaningful ways to travel.

We now bring you a vast array of new, incredible, life-changing travel experiences with a focus on volunteering, giving back, learning and cultural immersion on a level not seen before with mainstream travel products that we’ve traditionally brought you. I know that many of you have thought about wanting to travel off the beaten track, see the world and spend some time giving back volunteer service at some important sustainable projects around the globe and we can now help you choose from dozens of available projects.

Some of you may be interested in helping in community development projects. Some are interested in working with children. Others have a passion for working to protect and save the earth’s vulnerable wildlife and environment. If you’re looking for a unique travel experience abroad, look no further! Our new programs are the perfect way to meet new people, immerse yourself in new cultures and to truly make a difference where you travel, coming home with memories of a rewarding experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

From high school students nearing graduation, to boomers and seniors, to career breaks to sabbatical trips, to multi-generational families, to church groups, college study-abroad groups, corporate incentive or team-building groups, spring break groups, to those among us just wanting to make a difference and give back while traveling, it is clear that our customer base is often looking for something more in their travel experiences, and in their lives. And now, thanks to our new partnership with I-to-I, Azumano Travel will be equipped to bring these opportunities to you.

Watch here for more details I’ll be sharing with you on the different types of programs, or call me if you’re just so excited you want to go now, personally, I’m looking forward to feeding the Panda’s in China!

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