Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Do you have a year or more to spare and want to do something very special? Ever thought about living in a foreign country and doing something so worthwhile and rewarding while getting paid? Did you know if you speak fluent English (along with very few other little restrictions) you can teach others in our world how to speak English. Think of it as your passport to earning a living abroad while making a lasting contribution to the lives of others!

Azumano has partnered with a company that has trained over 60,000 people and placing the new teachers all over the world for over 15 years. Once you obtained your certification you can teach in classrooms or local business. You can also take part in team or volunteer teaching. There is a huge demand for overseas teachers now, so why wait?

There are three ways to become qualified. Weekend, Online and Specialist Certificate Courses. I will go into each one with a little detail here.

Weekend Course – looking for fun and a worthwhile activity for just one weekend? The Weekend course runs Saturday from 9am to 8pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm. 20 hours of practical training, interactive workshops, teaching practice with excellent tutors. Price begins at $395.00 per person. There are also 40, 80 and 120 hour courses, combining this course with the online course and a Specialist Certificate as well!

The Online Course – offers 40, 60 or 100 hours of online learning and you have 6 months to complete the course. Of course, you will want to complete it quicker so you can get on with the travel. The online course offers 10 modules with audio and video that also teaches more theory and grammar. How to teach vocabulary, how to teach writing and speaking skills. How to manage a classroom and much more! The courses start at $260 per person.

Specialist Certificates – You will always come across different classroom situations and opportunities, so a specialist course will incease your job scope (and your salary) abroad. There are 8 different Specialist Certificate courses. They include: Teaching English
One-to-One, Using Audio & Video in the Classroom, Teaching English to Large Classes, Teaching English
to Young Learners, Teaching Business English, Teaching with Limited Resources, Cultural Awareness
in the Classroom, How to Teach Pronunciation. The price is $75 per certificate.

Offered as a new option – Teaching Internship in China - you can $4,400, get 500 hours of teaching practice and your TEFL certification. The price of this project is only $1595 and includes your instructions, transfers and living expenses. There are a limited number of these programs left and they are going fast, so fast that the very last acceptance date is July 27, and you must be ready to depart for China no later than August 27. You only need to be a fluent or native English speaker. No previous teaching experience or University degree is necessary! You do not need to be able to speak Chinese

If China is not on your list of must see’s (I can’t imagine why not) then, there are job openings in Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Ecuador.

So, if you’re ready to go teach the world to speak English, call me today I’m happy to let you know all about this most exciting new life chaning travel opportunity!


reading said...

most common speaking language in world is english, why should we make our career in this amazing field , . . as above explaining about what advantages of it. .
english language schools london

reading said...

you can also hit this link:
english language schools london

reading said...

English Programs for non-natives are very useful to continue their higher studies as well as reseatch programs....

reading said...

English is useful to learn for the students of non English speaking countries.Expatriates